Saturday, July 11, 2015

Ton van Zutphen on Syria and Greece: Stray Cats and Fat Cats

Ton van Zutphen about a non-sense comparison between SYRIA and GREECE…both countries going down the drain……STRAY CATS and FAT CATS

Here is some information…not all of it accurate in numbers but close and at least plausible. Followed by a few provocative and certainly debatable statements and conclusions. Get the picture? Is my note out of whack? Crazy stuff…..?  Please no hate-mail to me!

 What about Stray Cat  - SYRIA….

·       5 years of continuous war / over 275.000 Syrians killed

·       Everybody fighting the Assad regime and many armed opposition groups fight each other; most large cities turning into rubble; unique historical monuments destroyed

·       21 million people affected…the WHOLE country; everybody in it

·       5 million people chose to become a refugee and left the country

·       Implosion on all fronts: infrastructure, socio economic situation, productivity and services

·       Education of >80% of children and students has come to a standstill

·       Life expectation of the average Syrian has dropped by 20 years over the past 5 years

·       NO peace initiative whatsoever going on or being prepared

·       For 2015 the UN requests 4.5 billion USD in aid ….only 40% may materialise  by December

·       AND I could go on and on……

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor stray cat


What about Fat Cat  - Greece….

·       Since it joined the EU in 1981 Greece built up a  track record of non-transparency on subsidies, and finance assistance

·       A regime of non-compliance on fiscal revenues and informal market economy; most farmers never paid any income tax

·       Generous pensioning off  employees at 60 years young

·       VAT levels have remained low and are non-existent on the tourist islands

·       Rumour says that the largest internal tax revenue for the government comes from the betting industry  

·       11 million people in Greece…and it contributes to perhaps 2% of the total gross productivity in the EU…it really is a micky mouse economy: small and irrelevant in the EU

·       For >5 years on a support infuse by the EU patrons in Brussels/Strasbourg

·       The man in the street lost track of how many hundreds of billion euros went to Greece

·       Debts are mostly rescheduled and in part ‘forgiven’; outstanding reimbursements are likely not to be paid back; Greece asks today for a new subsidy of over 70 billion euros

·       AND I could go on and on…

 Afbeeldingsresultaat voor fat cat



Readers…..what does this tell us…first of all that I am biased because I am head over heels involved professionally in the Syria Crisis.

But when we all take a step back, think, even reflect deeply…. some of us are possibly realising that something is going astray here!

In terms of severity, size, numbers of people affected, future potential, violence, governance…etc…there is no comparison between the countries….but where is the priority for the world to turn to?

Is the Cause of Greece still correct after so many years of reduced subsidies coupled with continuing loans…that fair enough, caused moderate hardship for approx. 25%, perhaps now 35% of the population? Whatsoever this is nothing to compare with what the Syrians are going through!

Does apply what Abraham Lincoln rightly said ‘To Support a Cause that is Morally Wrong can Never be Politically Correct’?

Now do get me right…Greece needs some support; has in fact already and ALWAYS received it…but this dilly-dallying with the EU/IMF/ECB has to stop. Very few EU taxpayers and the average citizen without a face, nor voice, can agree with yet another injection of possible 70 billion euros….whereas in 2015 only a few billion euros will find their way to the needed inside Syria and the countries like Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt and Iraq (these host over 4.5 million Syrian refugees).

Grosso modo, two systems are failing…the UN with the world’s aid machinery and the EU with other financial institutions that keep propping up countries for partly political and institutional reasons.

Gaziantep, Anatolia, Turkey with kind regards from Ton / 11th July 2015

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